Interior Illustrations for Increment
Within the ‘Planning Issue,’ I created two half-page illustrations to visualize various planning frameworks and strategies. In the planning of both, I submitted three initial concepts for each to AD Joshuah Miranda before deciding which direction to go with the final pieces.
For ‘How to make pathfinder soup,’ the illustration visualizes how many individuals can come together and, by bringing a single ‘ingredient’ each to a basic recipe, can create a final product bigger than the sum of its parts. For this piece, Increment was clear on depicting the stone soup allegory mentioned in the title, so the initial concepts were different perspectives of this same idea. We decided to develop the sketch of villagers lining up to drop their ingredient into the swirling soup cauldron, in the end. This was accompanied by one spot illustration.
For the second article, ‘Planning for change with RFCs,’ the AD wanted me to visualize the collaborative RFC framework by incorporating a lot of abstract shapes and speech bubbles. A buzz of activity should be bursting from and circulating the central document/framework. A series of four spot illustrations accompanied the article, taking those abstract shapes out of the main illustration and isolating them so that they fit snugly within the article.